I am a former mathematician who specialized in metric geometry. I obtained my PhD at ETH Zürich under the supervision of Urs Lang. After that I was a postdoc at the University of Fribourg working with Stefan Wenger. Subsequently, I spent two years at the MPIM in Bonn, where my mentor was Stephan Stadler

The main focus of my work was on conical bicombings, metric currents and Lipschitz extension problems.  I really enjoyed the freedom as a mathematician and was curious about many different questions not only in metric geometry. This led to publications in various fields including combinatorics, linear algebra, real analysis, and especially functional analysis.

I want to thank everyone who has taken interest in my research and supported me throughout all these years in academia! I have taken the trouble to compile some of the questions that I could not solve and that interested me the most in a problem list. I hope that this list can serve as inspiration for further research in metric geometry, which is a small field that deserves to be better explored.

Some questions from metric geometry and functional analysis (March 2024)

email: giuliano.basso (at) gmx (dot) ch

Researchgate.net, Google Scholar, zbMATH. 

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